On the nature of hereditary factors.
A critical study.
By A. Lubischew.
Zoological Laboratory of the University of Perm.
read manuscript (russian)
The conceptions of hereditary substance and hereditary factors
The conception of gene and the evolution of this conception
Monism and dualism in respect to idioplasm and the potentiality of the gene
A critical analysis of hypotheses about the nature of the gene
The gene as a potential form
General results and conclusions
cited literature
read summary in english
Each page of the copy from original manuscript has been scanned with resolution 150 dpi and saved in JPEG format.
PDF file (~48 Mb) compiled by Alexey Soldatov at
A. Lubischew: search at www.mavicanet.ru
What is Life by Erwin Schrodinger
email: Alexander Kozik
last modified: January 03 2004